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Aquarius Sail Owners Membership Drive

Posted: February 11th, 2004, 5:55 pm
by Cookie Monster
We are currently formally requesting memebrs to sign up for the new owners association. Please see the attached memo for a more detailed explanation and application form.


Posted: April 2nd, 2004, 5:28 pm
by thommerrill
I signed up, got a card in the mail and haven't heard anything since...

whats happening????

Posted: April 6th, 2004, 8:13 pm
by Cookie Monster
Hey Thom,

Glad to hear that you received your card. Tom is mailing out our invitaion letter to all on his customer list for us. We are keeping to all ARCs, RCs, and Supercat 20s. Can't believe he has a mailing list of over 3,000.

We do have a Trident series that we are running this summer. We ran an ad in Catsailor this month.

Our President Glen Marsh is going in for shoulder surgery and will be late getting his boat on the water this year -- at least by 30 days.

Sounds like we need a quarterly or monthly newsletter , doesn't it? We'll probably start an electronic one this summer after we get a few events going. Check our calendar of events. Are you planning to make any? We'll keep everyone posted of ARC outings so we can get as many out on the water at the same time as possible.

More to come.

Posted: April 7th, 2004, 5:38 pm
by thommerrill
Hi Don-

I sold my company and went to work for a large corporation. Next year I will have some time off but this year I am pretty tied down. I was planning on coming to the Corsair nationals but they scheduled me to be in San Diego that week. I know it wasn't intentional but its the exact dates I asked to be off...

Getting a good response from the old SC20 guys would be a hoot. I swear Caldwell is going to drive me crazy with mine. Once I get it back I'll never turn it loose. Its the best single handing boat I have for this area.

fair winds