Crossing the Atlantic (on a monohull...)

General Sailing Discussion
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T Peterson
Posts: 70
Joined: October 14th, 2010, 4:00 am
Boat Make/Model: Supercat 17

Crossing the Atlantic (on a monohull...)

Post by T Peterson »

Hi folks

I have owned a Supercat 17 since the late 80s and have had tons of fun including sailing it from Chicago to Macinac and down into Door County in July of 1990. My story from that trip made it to Multihulls Magazine but never to the web so I can't link to it. I also am the guy who posted the photo of us triple trapezing - pyramid style on this forum which got me spanked by Bill Roberts (deservedly so, I guess).

A life-long dream of mine has been to cross the Atlantic under sail and this year I manged to make it across and am about to head back. I thought I would share the link to our blog with you guys and let you know that lake sailors dreams can come true, even if I am a lot grayer than Tom Haberman remembers!

Next summer the 17 will get a new set of sails and I will be back to zig-zagging across the lakes of Minnesota - and loving it - I am sure. I keep threatening to run a halyard off the side of our 41 foot monohull and trapeze just for a photo - maybe on the way back!
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