Spring Races

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Bill Roberts
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Spring Races

Post by Bill Roberts »

Miami To key Largo, 42 mi: Last weekend of April. Any size multihull and monohull may race.
This race is a 42 mile dash down Biscayne Bay sailing generally south. I think there were about 75 boats in the race. The mult's were RC30, N20Carbon, I20s, M20s, Stil23, H16s, Tris etc. The wind forecast was ESE 6 to 9 knts. The actual wind was ESE but the strength turned out to be 12 to 16 knts. The race started at 8:00 AM. Port tack start sent everyone headed right down the race course about 196 degrees, slightly west of due south. The RC30 got a jump on the fleet at the start due to a normal mid starting line sag by the fleet. The RC30 did not sag with the fleet. The first shallow area for daggerboards and keels is called Featherbeds Bank about 10 miles into the race. The course to Featherbeds is about 3 degrees higher than the more straight line, shortest distance, course, 196 degrees. Boardless beach cats sail the 196 degree shortest distance course, the ideal course, and do not worry about the Featherbeds Bank. At the Featherbeds the RC30 had a few mile lead over the next boats back. The M20s and the N20C and the I20 were close together at this point.
The next shallow area for board and keel boats is called Cutter Bank. The course to Cutter bank is another 2 degrees higher or 191 degrees on the compass. At Cutter Bank, the board boats and keel boats are a little over 2 miles east of the 196 degree boardless beach cat path. From Cutter Bank down to the Card Sound Bridge is 228 degrees, a high speed jib reach, 27 mph max, for the RC30. The beach cats sail a 210 degree course, a high speed reach for them also.
Everyone goes under the Card Sound bridge near center span. The finish line is 5 miles away at the mouth of Jewfish Creek on a 180 degree course south.
When the RC30 got close to Jewfish Creek entrance, there was no Finish Line Boat . WE took our time at a channel marker as 9:54 AM located at the mouth of jewfish Creek. This is an hour and 54 minutes to complete the race. This is only the second time in the 50+ year history of this race that 2 hrs has been broken. We sailed around for a while at th mouth of jewfish Creek waiting on the Race Committee Boat, Finish Line Boat. Pretty soon we noticed an outboard rig with a flag anchoring to leeward of Jewfish Creek channel and a couple of hundred yards further off shore from Jewfish Creek where we took our finish time. We gave our finish time to the RC and headed back to the MYC 45 miles north. In a few more minutes we passed the N20C and I20 and M20 all headed for the finish line and close together.
This race would have been the perfect race to have had a camera on the boat. The ocean was a beautiful light blue green color, the sun was bright all the way and we averaged a little over 21 mph, a mile every three minutes. This is not the record low ET for this race. The record was set about 20 years ago on an RC27, a racing boat. The RC30 is the cruising version of the "RC27 racer".
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Re: Spring Races

Post by havliii »

Nice write up, Bill. Really great read.
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Re: Spring Races

Post by SC15Av8or »

Awesome Bill how did it go this year ?!?! :D 8) 8) 8)
Lifes 2 short for cheap GROG
SuperCat 15/19Av8or
Bill Roberts
Posts: 515
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Re: Spring Races

Post by Bill Roberts »

We made a video of the race this year with a GO PRO device.
Tom Haberman will post a link to it in about a week.
The RC30 was first to finish by 16 minutes over the second boat.
The RC30 completed the 42 mile race in 1 hour and 48 minutes; this
is only 4 minutes over the record. This is a 23 mph average speed for
42 miles.
There were two foil boats in the race, an A Cat and a NACRA20C. They
finished way back, probably not much foiling although the wind speed
and direction were excellent for foiling.
Kevin Keller
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Re: Spring Races

Post by Kevin Keller »

Looking forward to seeing the video. Was it your boat Bill?

Thanks for the update.

Bill Roberts
Posts: 515
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Re: Spring Races

Post by Bill Roberts »

Yes, it was my RC30. The camera was located aft of the rear beam looking forward.
It was our first effort with a camera and we learned alot and will do a much better job next time.
This is a start.
Bill Roberts
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Re: Spring Races

Post by Bill Roberts »

Hi Guys, Here's a link to the video of the 2017 race.
We will do better next time with the video
Bill Roberts
Posts: 515
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Re: Spring Races

Post by Bill Roberts »

Hey Guys,
Where are the comments on the race/the boat? Ever seen a sailboat average 23 mph for 42 miles in a little less than two hours. At times the boat was going over 25 mph and other times 20 mph. Was that a smooth ride or what? It wasn't wild and hard to control. It was a Sunday ride. Anybody out there seen the video?
T Peterson
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Re: Spring Races

Post by T Peterson »

Just watched it! It made going fast look so easy. At 6 minutes or so I noticed there were no other boats in sight. I have never started a race - or gone that fast - without multiple profanities. Congrats to all three of you.
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Re: Spring Races

Post by gahamby »

What's the story with the wing? Is there one for the other side? Do you just pick the side for the prevailing tack? That was most awesome video!
Bill Roberts
Posts: 515
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Re: Spring Races

Post by Bill Roberts »

There is a wing for each side. This race this year was a one tack port tack race, The wind was 12 to 15 mph. The forecast was 17 to 20 mph. Therefore the 30% undersize sails. We would have been faster with standard size sails. The Miami to Key Largo Race is an "anything goes"race. Therefore many modifications are tried on many boats in this race.
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