Rolling and storing a sail.

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Kevin Keller
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Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Kevin Keller »

I usually roll up my Kevlar sail as it comes down. The foot is the center of the roll. But I’m looking at the foot of the sail. It looks like the clew just in front the reinforcement area is crinkling a lot. It hasn’t delaminated but it doesn’t look like it’s good for the sail. Should it be rolled with the head as the center?

What is the best way to roll it up?
Matt Haberman
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Matt Haberman »

Hi Kevin,
It is our opinion that sails should be rolled from the top down. We typically fold the top of the sail down at the 2nd full batten and then start rolling from there. That typically keeps the top from being rolled too tightly and getting a fold/curl in the square top.

There are several reasons for rolling from the top down:
  • It is just easier to start rolling from the top.
  • Easier to carry when the small end (top) is rolled up inside the big end (bottom)
  • The bottom of sail may be wetter from sailing than the top, this allows it to dry a bit quicker
  • Protects the luff rope as this is typically rolled inside versus being exposed on the outside.
Matt Haberman
Aquarius Sail Inc.
Kevin Keller
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Kevin Keller »

Good to know Matt. Thank you.
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by gahamby »

Kinda counterintuitive to how the sail actually goes up and down isn't it?
Matt Haberman
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Matt Haberman »

Yes, but it's a 10x easier to hoist it when it's unrolled already so actually doesn't make much difference. Longevity wise we have found the sails rolled from the top are typically in better condition for much longer then if rolled from the bottom up.
Matt Haberman
Aquarius Sail Inc.
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by gahamby »

Gonna have to disagree. Having the sail unrolled on that little tramp is a cluster@#$%. The wind catches it. Then it's over the side between the dock and the boat. Maybe on one of your big Karillian class cruisers you have the room. Not on a 15.
Matt Haberman
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Matt Haberman »

I guess we will have to agree to disagree.....

All of the local guys we sail with roll them from the top-down, whether it's a 15, 17, 19, 22, Nacra 5.2, etc.... Been a very long time since I have seen someone roll them from the bottom up. Usually, if we see a sail rolled from the bottom up is because they rolled it around a boom, which causes even more damage...

In the end it comes down to personal preference, and our preference is to roll from the top down which generally is much easier on the sail.
Matt Haberman
Aquarius Sail Inc.
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by gahamby »

Well at least we blew the cobwebs off the forum.
Kevin Keller
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Kevin Keller »

What kind of sail is on your 15? I’ve got the Kevlar ones.

Do you roll the jib in the same manner? Fold at an upper batten and roll top down?
Matt Haberman
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by Matt Haberman »

Yes, roll from the top down. Typically folding at the second batten thou. Usually the second batten in the main as well.
Matt Haberman
Aquarius Sail Inc.
Posts: 256
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Re: Rolling and storing a sail.

Post by gahamby »

The main is a square weave dacron.I pull the jack batten out and store it in the second pocket. The jib rolls up on the furler. I coil it loosely
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