Is It Too Windy?

General Sailing Discussion
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T Peterson
Posts: 70
Joined: October 14th, 2010, 4:00 am
Boat Make/Model: Supercat 17

Is It Too Windy?

Post by T Peterson »

Hi folks

My neighbor's son, Steve, who has never been on my boat, came over a couple days ago and asked if it was too windy to sail. I said, sort of.

I said we might tip over and in winds like this, 20 to 25, someone might get flung and something might get broken. Both came true. It was great fun and he was a great first-time crew. When we righted the boat, it came over much faster than I expected and we didn't have time to spin the nose into the wind or grab the tramp under the laces on the windward side. The mainsheet came unhooked and the main wrapped around the shroud and several battens broke. The boat slid on its side much faster than normal and I got left behind. Fortunately, this is a small lake, 1.5 x 3 miles, with friendly shores so all was fine. If this had been offshore winds on something big I would not have gone out.

Steve's wife shot the video and he did some edits as a thank you (nice gesture, I think!). This was the second time in 40 years of cat sailing that I was separated from my boat - it was a sobering experience and a good lesson. In motorcycling we have ATGATT - AllTheGearAllTheTime - the same goes for sailing - life jackets all the time and wet suits if it's cold.

So, if you're jonesing for some new Supercat video this will have to do.

On another topic, since we are in Minnesota we drove up to Aquarius Sail to meet with Tom and get some new battens. I've known Tom for over 30 years and as always, he is a wealth of information and very detail oriented - great to work with. On the factory floor, he has a SC 15 that he is refurbishing and I've got to tell you, it's gorgeous! It looks better than new and if you know anyone in the market - you need to jump on this one. I suspect it won't be cheap - but a boat done up right and as good - or better than - new is something great to have.
Posts: 254
Joined: July 24th, 2012, 7:02 am
Boat Make/Model: SuperCat 15#315
Location: Falls Church VA 22042

Re: Is It Too Windy?

Post by gahamby »

In those conditions you would have been well served to furl the jib.
T Peterson
Posts: 70
Joined: October 14th, 2010, 4:00 am
Boat Make/Model: Supercat 17

Re: Is It Too Windy?

Post by T Peterson »

I agree - I often furl the jib with some of my "older" friends just to make things more manageable and less dramatic. My neighbor Steve wanted drama and we got a little more than we bargained for. Double Jeopardy is now safely in the garage for the winter :(
Posts: 6
Joined: July 14th, 2020, 9:38 am
Boat Make/Model: SC17

Re: Is It Too Windy?

Post by stringbender »

I really liked this video, its very apparent Tom you are a seasoned Pro. :D

Rather ballsey and reminds me of my 20's.

I prefer 12 to 18 mph these days (age 65), I'm still thinking of the fun I had yesterday. These boats are the best, now on #2 thanks to Tom Haberman for finding me a beauty.

Doug Bent
Stuart, FL
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