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SC20 beams

Posted: October 31st, 2004, 12:37 pm
by DanBerger
I buy a lot of old boats and part them out, so I went on a typical call to look at a 'Hobie 20 that needed sails and a tramp'. I thought I would just get the boat and part it out since there have been so many Hobie 20 getting crunched recently.

Turns out it was a SC20 Tall rig complete with extra sails. Unbelievable. So, now I'm a SC20 owner!

It has telescoping beams (two sets!), but I will probably leave the boat on the beach and I was wondering if one-piece beams are available. Granted, the telescoping beams look very convenient, but I would only take it apart and set it up once a year.

Posted: October 31st, 2004, 1:17 pm
by Eric2101
Are the beams 10' or 12'?

Posted: October 31st, 2004, 1:48 pm
by DanBerger
They are the 12 footers. I didn't know the 20 came with 10 foot beams! When I first spoke to the seller, he said the boat was 14 feet wide.

One of the reasons I am thinking about the solid beams is that I'll probably end up getting a new trampoline. I have no experience with the wire traveler, so that may be something I would like to swap out. Also, I'm thinking about a self tacker.

Posted: October 31st, 2004, 3:41 pm
by thommerrill
Don Caldwell has an 1980 SC20 with telescoping beams but he knocked out the delrin shims and inserted some green pvc pipe and drilled the holes. This makes the beams extremely stiff but takes away the telescoping feature. He uses a tilt trailer presently.